BERLIN KLINIK 柏林牙科诊所种植牙—为每一位患者提供安全美观的牙科移植技术!
格拉斯哥大学联盟(GUU)教授、博士及医师Stefan Schermer 在电视报告中谈到口腔种植技术和一种新的抗菌植入物。这位BERLIN KLINIK柏林牙科诊所首席医师遵照德国医疗产品法,对这种抗菌植入物进行了临床科学检验,并成功获得批准,使其作为医疗器械首次上市。这种抗菌植入物的设计旨在避免两部分牙科种植体的微柱体被污染,从而使颚骨受到慢性和炎症感染即种植体周围炎。Schermer教授是德意志联邦共和国口腔外科教育系统内级别最高的牙医。他个人得到柏林牙医协会授权,教授口腔外科的学术理论和临床实践。
为什么要使用BERLIN KLINIK柏林牙科诊所提供的口腔植入物?
因为BERLIN KLINIK柏林国际牙科诊所的牙科医师和专家并不是“…同时提供植入服务”,而是口腔种植领域的专家,成百上千的牙医接受过他们的教育或科技方面的启迪。多年前,BERLIN KLINIK柏林牙科诊所的种植专家实现了临床医学上的奇迹:首席外科教授、博士医师 Stefan Schermer 科学记载了厚仅1毫米(!)的上颚骨,在经过大量植骨之后,能够安全稳定地支撑超过10毫米长的牙植入物。同样取得成功的还有在单次疗程中植入32个牙科植入物。因此,您可以完全放心。通常情况下,您的下颌骨肯定厚于1毫米,通常也不会需要32个植入物。但是得知您的主治医生有这样的能力还是令人欣慰的......
健康美丽的笑容,会给他人留下积极深刻的印象,这并不是一种奢侈,而是关系到生活的质量。美丽的牙齿使您能够自信地微笑。不幸的是,不是每个人都有无可挑剔的牙齿:缺牙让人感到不安全和不舒服。这意味着很多有缺牙的患者在外形和发音方面都存在问题。这是可以改变的!BERLIN KLINIK柏林国际牙科诊所,是一所位于柏林的专业口腔种植外科手术医院,使用现代诊断技术、计算机、激光和手术机器人,提供种植牙、即刻种植牙、及无痛无压力牙科植入手术,还您轻松笑容。相关信息参见:BERLIN KLINIK信息索引。
牙桥和义齿技术现在已经过时,从健康角度考虑,这并不是您的最佳选项,因为手术中需要把邻近牙齿磨薄,或戴上支撑物。这使牙齿受到损坏。种植牙则是现代、高效、卫生、安全的技术。它们保护并稳固了相邻的牙齿和颚骨。BERLIN KLINIK柏林国际牙科诊所的口腔种植技术,为您安装优质的种植牙,留给您健康的骨骼和牙龈,还有完美的微笑!
4个植入物承载12个牙齿,以及 "all-on-four"(单边四牙根即刻种植)
An implant, or a dental implant, consists of titanium or zirconoxide ceramic and replaces preliminary not the visible part of the tooth, but the root. Implants also make the uncomfortable root canal treatment unnecessary! Modern dental implants consist of 2(3) main parts: The implant, the artificial root that is placed into the jawbone and the visible tooth reconstruction, the implant crown and the implant stump, called the abutment. This abutment is screwed into the implant and is usually made of break-resistant special zirkonoxide ceramic or titanium. It can also be angled to enable an exact positioning of the attached crown in the row of teeth. The two-part or three-part construction principle enables the best possible efficiency, aesthetic, safety and hygiene! You can also find more information about the topics Implantology Berlin and implants Berlin or Implants Berlin of the BERLIN KLINIK BERLIN-KLINIK International Dental Clinic for Implantology under: Presentations and documents. Simply said an implant is an artificial tooth root that is similar to a screw. It is inserted into the jaw bone if the original tooth and root have been lost. BERLIN KLINIK implants consist of three main parts: the implant itself which is inserted into the jaw bone, the abutment which carries the crown, and the crown, which is its visible portion which looks like a tooth. Implants have some medical and aesthetic advantages. While bridges and dental plates require to take off the surface of neighbouring teeth or to damage them with clips, implants preserve and strengthen adjacent teeth and the surrounding bone. It is no longer necessary to use metal, steel or gold alloys in order to have stable teeth. Pure titanium and ceramic dental implants, abutments and crowns pave the way for healthy and beautiful nearly metal-free dentistry. Along with these advantages over alloys and metals, ceramic, zirconium, zirconium implants and pure titanium implants have all the required qualities of biocompatibility to be a material of choice for dental implantation. Titanium and also Zirconium are resistant to high impact and are non-allergic materials. Thanks to their two-piece (3 piece) structure, dental implants combine variety, flexibility, and safety. One-piece implants usually serve for transitional use only. The key advantage of dental implants is that they prevent the bone from receding as it would with bridges or dental plates. Dental implants protect and preserve the jaw bone, they are stable, and as opposed to dental plates they have no annoying metal clasps, or lingual or palatal bars. They provide excellent chewing comfort as they feel almost like your own natural teeth and do not get in the way of your tongue. Speaking and tasting becomes easier. Besides the medical aspects, functionality and aesthetics also play a role. Patients with missing teeth often feel uncomfortable about their appearance and their pronunciation. In this case a dental implant treatment at BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic can be just the right solution - because charisma, pronunciation, and self-confidence are inextricably linked to one another.
Dental Implants for everybody
If you have been rejected by your dentist with your wish for implants, the BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic Implantology Specialists might still be able to help you, thanks to specialised bone replacement therapies and implant procedures BERLIN KLINIK's scientifically tested, published and clinically proven implantology concepts. "Stable teeth within an hour" immediate implants, immediate provision, immediate loading and all medically proven implant procedures with or without computer or robot aided planning and laser-operation under anaesthesia or general anaesthesia is possible upon request. Whether due to caries, periodontal disease or accident - tooth replacement needs to simulate the appearance and function of the natural teeth as much as possible. Prosthesis can only do this with limited success because it is not a permanent solution and causes bone loss. It further negatively impacts any healthy adjacent teeth. At BERLIN KLINIK Implantology, the dental implant is firmly anchored in the jaw and takes the place of the root of the lost tooth. Exactly the same spot and the same appearance, without taking up extra space and without damaging neighbor teeth. Dental implants offer secure hold and don't disturb through tongue or roof of the mouth plates like in the case of prosthesis. The offer an exceptional chewing comfort since they almost feel like the own teeth and don't constrict the room of the tongue. Speaking and tasting will become easier again! Dental implantology offers quality of life and safety independent of age! Dental Implants – the better alternative. A radiant, carefree smile often says more than a thousand words. We feel good with beautiful teeth; transpire joy of life and confidence. With a strong denture we can enjoy unrestrictedly and 'bite with force'. Less well known is an important function of a healthy denture: The jaw bone is loaded on evenly through natural chewing action. This keeps it strong and healthy. Uneven loading through the loss of teeth might result in bone loss. Implants preserve – as the own teeth – the functional chewing action of the jaw bone.
In BERLIN-KLINIK International Dental Clinic pure titan has prevailed as the base material for implants because this lightweight and high resistant metal is biologically extremely well tolerated. However, recently a new form of dental implants called ceramic dental implants, also known as zirconium implants or zirconium dental implants have been introduced as a sometimes more aesthetic and gum friendly alternative to the well known titanium implants. Zirconium, Zirkonoxide dental implants are made of special industrial high impact resistant ceramic (Zirconiumoxide, ZrO2) that is customarily used in aerospace engineering because of its high resistance to fracture and heat.The bright white colour of Zirconium gives a completely natural look, in contrast to the metallic appearance of ceramic plated metal. Because ceramic lets the light flow inside and does not break it like metal. In addition, metal causes an un-aesthetic dark line around the gum. With ceramic dental abutments and crowns there will be no un-aesthetic dark lines but a natural healthy appearance of your artificial teeth. About dental Implant technology flexural strength and impact resistance: The bending property of Zirconium dental implants is close to 1200 MPa. It is nearly unbreakable. Zirconium or zirconia implants have the strength and resistance of metal but are much more aesthetic and biocompatible. A pure titanium implant offers unbeatable resistance and durability in all aspects of surgery and dentistry. Zirconium implants and titanium implants have proven high level of osseointegration abilities and a maximal bone-to-implant contact. This has been confirmed by numerous studies in Germany and the USA. It might be that ceramic will have the same osseointegrative competence in future as titanium has today. Dr. Dr. Schermer, the chief physician of BERLIN KLINIK Internationa Dental Clinic, an international known expert implantologist is one of the first few professional all-ceramic implant practitioners at this point in time. He is one of the first ceramic implants researchers and practitioners in Germany. Berlin Klinik always offers you high-end therapies and state of the art implantology. At the Berlin Klinik only the best is good enough for you!
Titanium dental Implants are currently the definitely best and most gently therapy possibility to replace missing teeth in a physiological way. On the one hand, this is due to its scientific and technically mature surfaces, on the other hand due to excellent fitting of its components to a bacteria-proof and secure Dental Implant. The BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic is looking forward to your interest and all your questions regarding the topic of implants Berlin, implantology Berlin, dental implants Berlin or the bacteria-proof and safe implant. The German Association for Implantology / DGZI, the oldest German dental association for implantology informs patients in the following way: Each human being is at some point in their lives confronted with the loss of one or more teeth. Reasons for this are manifold: An accident, caries, parodontitis or other tooth or jaw illnesses. A gap remains. This used to be a drastic reduction of life quality. The ability to chew, pronounciation, and the aesthetic appearance would be impaired. For over thirty year, modern dentistry has been offering dental implants as the medically optimal solution. Dental implants are artificial roots that are securely anchored in the jaw bone. There they replace the missing tooth root, grow together with the bone and form a stable part of the jaw. These artificial roots are provided with a crown after a healing in phase, the time that the implant needs to grow together with the jaw bone. This implant crown does not differ from natural teeth. With implant-held teeth you will be able to properly bite again. The same way as with your original teeth! More than 40 years of scientific research and practical experience have shown that at the moment for many reasons pure titanium dental implants are an optimal and permanent solution to tooth loss. However, dental implants require, like natural teeth, a thorough and consistent oral hygiene. Healthy and strong bone and gum go along with dental implant therapy. BERLIN-KLINIK International Dental Clinic offers their patients modern and proven dental prophylaxis and education by a skilled dental hygienist to help patients guard their teeth and get most out of their dental implant intervention. Implants are very durable – they can last for a lifetime. Besides the general health condition of the patient and the quality and quantity of the jaw bone, oral hygiene is playing an important role. The long term success rate currently lies at over 90% after 10 years. In order to close the holes missing teeth have left, there are several possibilities for dentures: a fixed bridge, a removable prosthesis or dental implants that are successfully inserted in the BERLIN KLINIK on a daily basis. Also a combination would be possible.
Qualifications for dental Implantology after german law
The Head Surgeon of BERLIN-KLINIK International Dental Clinic Prof. Dr. Dr. Schermer, has carried out thousands of bone reconstruction operations and implants and has published about hundreds of them. He is a international reknown specialist and lecturer in oral surgery and dental implantology. Prof. Schermer held lectures and presentations all over the world to inform and teach dentists and surgeons. He also received the very rare qualification of a full-authorization by the state of Berlin dentists chambers to teach and train other dentists in practice and Hospital cases and terms to become specialists in oral surgery and implantology. The state licence to teach the qualification as a dental or medical specialist is according to German standard the highest form of medical training. It ranks higher than all other supplementary titles like Master, Specialist, Expert or MSc. Some of them are not even legal titels. The only title above specialist is the authorized specialist, and above that the very rare overall-authorized specialist. In order to reach this status more than 10 years of work experience are needed. Note: The term "Implantologist" is only used in common language. An implantologist is neither a recognized professional term in Germany nor a specialization. Implantology or dental implantology is a sub-discipline of dentistry. A dentist therefore shouldn't call himself an "Implantologist" as this is not a separate state licensed qualification term such as oral surgeon or orthodontist. By the same token an MSc Implantology or MSc Oral Surgery etc. should not be compared to the state licensed German specialist qualification of Oral Surgery: Oralchirurg.
You desire optimal dentures and a minimum of dentist appointments? Implantology accommodates this natural wish. Under specific conditions the implant can be inserted immediately after extraction of a tooth. These implants are called Immediate Implants. Immediate Implants are daily routine in the BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic. An immediate implant is quick, gentle and effective oral medicine. The optimal way to replace a tooth immediately after extraction. If the artificial roots have sufficient stability in the bone, even an immediate anchoring and loading of the implants is possible. However, immediate loading is tied to strict indicators and can not be carried out in all cases. In the ideal case the patient leaves the hospital on the day of implantation with a stable denture. This also makes sense on medical grounds: The earlier the implant takes on the natural functioning of a tooth root, the better this is for the bone structure. The methods of immediate implantation and particularly immediate loading, can, however, only be carried out by a very experienced dentist under strict compliance with medical criteria. If these preconditions and the anatomic findings are not met, implantation can only be carried out several weeks after the extraction of the tooth. After the ensuing healing period of approx. 2-3 months of the artificial root in the lower jaw or 3-9 months in the upper jaw, the implants can be fitted with the final denture provision. Many cases therefore require a certain amount of patience, but this contributes to the long term chances of success. Diagnostics and therapy planning in the case of implants is very demanding, but constitutes deciding factors to success. The surgical procedures itself is usually carried out under general or local anaesthesia. The treatment is therefore pain-free and is usually perceived by the patient as similar to the extraction of a tooth. The implantation of a single tooth space, i.e. the drilling in the jaw bone and the insertion of the implant into the bone is for implant specialists such as Dr. Dr. Schermer at BERLIN-KLINIK International Dental Clinic a daily routine intervention.
Dental Implant life span
The patient can significantly contribute to success in the long term: Implants require – like the natural teeth – a diligent and consistent oral hygiene. BERLIN KLINIK Prophylaxis protects your investment in a sustainable way. Another important point: Smoking is increasing the risk of failure significantly. Even smokers that stop before the implant treatment at the latest point are decreasing the risk of loosing the artificial tooth root. Modern implantology offers optimal solutions for individual tooth problems. Therapy concepts range from substitution for a single missing tooth to general replacement of dentures with implants in a toothless jaw. Also bridges and prostheses can be fixed permanently in the jaw through the use of implants. To start of you as a patient have to be informed and convinced that dental implants are the best solution for you. Dr. Dr. Schermer advises you comprehensively regarding preconditions, chances, and risks of implant therapy. He takes a lot of time for your questions before you decide for a closer examination. Besides the condition of the mouth cavity, teeth and gums in general, the bone structure plays an important role. Is there is enough existing bone to anchor the implants firmly or do other methods, e.g. bone reconstruction therapy, have to be used to improve the bone?
Dental Implant risks and complications
Of course, treatment with dental implants requires surgery, and like any other surgeries, complications could arise. Therefore, at the BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic, a patient's individual condition, opportunities and risks of treatment are thoroughly investigated by the experienced implantologist and oral surgeon, Dr. Dr. Schermer, who is a international reknown specialist and lecturer in dental implants and bone reconstruction. Different options are then presented and explained to the patient, and the patient's concerns and circumstances are taken into considerations. He devotes much time to answer your questions before you even decide to work together. BERLIN KLINIK International Clinic for Implantology is unique in that it combines world class dental implant expertise with outstanding patient care and service. The most common risk is a poor oral hygiene. Another important point is that smoking increases the risk of dental implant failure significantly. Therefore, quitting smoking before the dental implant treatment consistently reduces the risk of loss of the artificial tooth root. Also different medications can derange the implant treatment. Therefore a serious medical history is important ensure implants are not lost before time.
Jaw bone quantity for Implants and bone reconstruction
In addition to the general condition of the oral cavity, teeth and gums, the bone structure plays an important role. Is there enough bone to anchor the dental implants, or will special methods be needed? The BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic is unique in that it offers alternatives to patients who do not have enough bone, and have been declined by other dental practitioners. BERLIN KLINIK Implantology is able to reconstruct your lost jaw bone with synthetic, sterile and secure alloplastic bone reconstruction material. Also we can transplant your own bone to your jaws if you allow us to take it. But in most of the cases an alloplastic reconstruction which is easier and pain-free will be able to reconstruct your jaw bone defects or jaw bone loss. When a tooth has lost a certain amount of bone it is deemed 'periodontally hopeless'. Hopeless teeth need to be extracted because they become impossible to clean. With extensive bone loss in one region, bone loss may continue to spread onto other regions if not effectively treated. The problem with continuing and ongoing bone loss is that it makes a successful treatment very difficult and sometimes impossible. In some cases of periodontitis and bone loss it can be better extract the tooth and use the remainder of the bone for a healthy dental implant. Waiting for more years can cause so much bone loss that there will not be enough bone to set an implant without bone reconstruction. Even an old fashioned denture placed at the right time may fit very well as opposed to one placed after more time.
Jaw bone loss and dental Implants
There are many reasons for bone loss. The most common being tooth loss. When a tooth is extracted without filling the alveolus with bone replacement material, the jaw bone surrounding it will recede. Severely affected patients may have only a few millimetres of bone left, sometimes less than 10 per cent of their original jaw bone. The second most common cause is periodontal disease, periodontitis in all its expressions. Strong jaw bones are the foundation for healthy teeth and high quality dental prostheses. Hence, they are also significant for all related factors such as the longevity of teeth or implants, safety, and aesthetic aspects. Frequently it is the condition of the jaw bones that determines the type of treatment a patient can receive. This is why in the past many patients received removable prostheses as a last resort. Even in the case of massive jaw bone loss BERLIN-KLINIK International Dental Clinic can reconstruct your bone and insert you dental implants for fixed ceramic teeth if you want. Without good and effective oral hygiene bone loss cannot be effectively controlled. Additional negative progress comes from further factors and lifestyles. Smoking and tobacco definitely impact periodontal disease and make it progress faster. Along with all the other problems it causes, we are talking about an increase in impact of twice to six times! Smoking also causes an increase in the risk of oral cancer. Diabetes and periodontal disease have also been linked, and if one is uncontrolled it can affect the other. Uncontrolled dental bone loss will make diabetes more difficult to control and vice versa. Like diabetes, periodontal disease has been linked to cardiovascular disease and getting dental bone loss under control can help your cardiovascular health as well. Osteoporosis and several medications have also to be considered in diagnostics and treatment.
Mini implant or short Implant
Mini implants or short implants regularly used at BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic are by definition 2-part fully functional and fully variable titanium implants of smaller diameter and shorter build that are suitable as definite implants. The term of mini implants is also often used for so-called transfer implants or interim implants. Transfer or interim implants are generally different from definite implants in material, build and surface characteristics. This is surely confusing for the reader at first. Mini implants also are not the same as single-part implants for immediate use. These single-part, rather simple implants serve social implant solution of prosthesis attachments. They describe a social emergency solution and are a version of modern tooth implantology. Dental implantology, i.e. insertion of tooth implants in the mandible, however, does not mean stabilisation of an otherwise unphysiological prosthesis – so-called Mutter-Theresa treatment. Implantology and implants describe replacement of one or several or all lost teeth by insertion of artificial roots, implants and then supply with fully functional, diverse tooth replacements. The chewing forces are to be guided where they should naturally occur, in the mandible! Mini implants or short implants are fully functional 2-part permanent implants. Tooth replacements, i.e. the implanted teeth, can be made of metal ceramics, i.e. ceramics-covered metal crowns, or full ceramics. The parts carrying the tooth replacement, which is screwed directly onto the artificial roots – implants – can also be milled form highly stable industrial ceramics, zirconium oxide or aluminium oxide or produced from titanium.
When and why to use mini implants?
Mini implants or short implants are used when the bone region that is to carry the implant shows strong vertical atrophy or other type of bone loss. At the same time, vertical reconstruction of the mandibular bone does not appear promising or is not desired. This may have various reasons. Therefore, longer implants that correspond approximately to the original root length cannot be easily inserted here, and alternatives are required. Short implants have higher relative diameters than regular implants. One decisive factor for the possible stability or support capability of an implant is not alone its length. In addition to bone characteristics, static characteristics and occlusion situation, the surface of the implant's osseointegration surface is decisive.
Interim implant and transfer implant
In contrast to definite implants, transfer implants or interim implants are not intended for permanent tooth provision. They carry a provisional dental bridge during the healing stage of definite implants or stabilise a prosthesis. The managing physician of BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic published scientific articles on the subject of interim implants / transfer implants even years ago, and consulted industry in the design and medical review of such implant systems to finally clinically certify them as medical products. Interim implants / transfer implants are often single-part implants. However, some two-part builds are available as well. Two-part transfer implants are rather rare, with mainly single-part systems being used in practice. Their upper part is bent into the desired position after screwing in. Then there are usually plastic or metal caps that can be attached to the provisional tooth replacement to better attach or remove it. The basic difference between definite implants and transfer implants or interim implants are the material and surface. Transfer or interim implants can be made of titanium but do not have to be. Surgical steel or surgical alloys are sufficient. Transfer or interim implants must not have any osseointegration surface. This extensively roughened surface of the definite implants permits growing into the bone, which is neither intended nor desired here. Interim implants or transfer implants are to be removed from the bone after 3-9 months at the latest. Removal of the implants should not cause any tears or micro fractures i.e. no injury of the bony structures.
Single-part implants for immediate treatment
On first view, single-part implants are very similar to transfer implants or interim implants and are relatively often mistaken or incorrectly described as such by patients and (unfortunately) even dentists. Single-part implants are only used for fastening interim treatment as interim implants in BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic. Single-part implants are no mini implants either. Single-part implants for immediate treatment are no "special immediate implants" that can be directly equipped with tooth replacements. Such descriptions are misleading and partially technically incorrect. Single-part implants have the benefit that they can be equipped directly with a prosthesis or dental bridge in the practice. This immediate equipment is only early social treatment. Early because there are NO implants that can be subjected to physiological strain at once after screwing in. There also is no dentist who "can" and others who "cannot" do this"! Such statements are nonsense and unprofessional. ALL implants, no matter the manufacturer, can only be put under strain when they have been osseointegrated and grown into the bone. This again has to do with healing time. However, it is documented that implants with a thread similar to that of a wood screw will wedge in the corresponding mandibular bone at sufficient number and position, that simple tooth replacement will be directly held by them. Simple tooth replacement is a provisional dental bridge or prosthesis!
Fixed teeth in a one hour
Firm teeth in a an hour are possible if the dentist has experience with this. We at Zahnklinik BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic even manage in half an hour! These are, however, all covered provisional treatments or treatments with covered higher time expenditure. A firm tooth for a patient usually is a metal ceramic or full ceramic tooth that will remain permanently attached in the mouth. Raising the impression that one or several teeth individually produced by the dental technical on a permanently inserted titanium implant or permanent implants can be completed within one hour would not be merely misleading, but pure nonsense that hurts everyone involved. Even worse is selling it to the patient as "minimally invasive implanting" or minimally invasive implantology, using mostly nonsensical 3D-images under relatively high radiation dosage. This will end up with a surgically inexperienced dentist drilling implants right through the mucous membrane using pre-fabricated templates. In the worst case, he will use single-part implants. This is a surgical disaster. Folding open the mucous membrane does no harm but helps inspect the bone, clean it and perform the implant drilling under view.
4 implants carry 12 teeth and "all-on-four"
A complete tooth series on only four implants is also possible today. 4 long implants in a more or less atrophied bone replace 20 or more tooth roots! With near-certainty, this can NOT be used in most patients. It's also not intended to, because such therapy services require great experience and are either suitable for permitting patients firm tooth replacements in special situations, or to serve as social prostheses. BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic does not support such statically and functionally reduced concepts. The patient must be informed about the anatomic and static facts and want this kind of treatment. Generally, no great expectations should be put to "All-on-four" nor "4 implants carry 12 teeth" therapies, nor any other implant-reduced Solutions. Such and other Advertising-therapy promises are nearly always the result of an increasingly greedy one-hundred-percent profit-oriented international dental industry. This dental mafia that wants to equip more and more, even surgically unsuitable dentists, with implantology equipment and expensive, partially nonsensical 3D-X-ray systems, however, is not liable for its products. This dental industry produces expectations that practice cannot meet while also continually increasing material demand for it. The responsibility for this partially dangerous nonsense, however, is solely with the dentist. A serious, experienced dentist will not make any unrealistic therapy promises. However, some dentists will, of course, cave in under the pressure exerted on them at growing competition pressure, and sometimes revert to the dental industry promise machinery.
Prophylaxis and oral hygiene for dental implants
The life expectation of implants is currently statistically proven to be longer than ten years. However, a multitude of the first implants inserted over 30 years ago are still functioning. The patient can significantly contribute to success in the long term: Implants require – like the natural teeth – a diligent and consistent oral hygiene. BERLIN KLINIK Prophylaxis Department accompanies you and protects your investment in a sustainable way. An implant is and remains a foreign object that was inserted in a biological system. In order to avoid normal rejection reactions of the body, a material of high biocompatibility has to be chosen. Titanium implants are currently the definitely best and most gentle therapy possibility to replace missing teeth in a physiological way. On the one hand, this is due to its scientific and technically mature surfaces, on the other hand due to excellent fitting of its components to a bacteria-proof and secure implant. There are over 100 different Titan implant systems and several ceramics implant systems. They differ in their technical construction and in the way the crown is attached. Here, one has to mind a minimal micro fissure. In general modern implants are rotation symmetric and dispose of a thread. The threads differ according to the intended use. All modern high value systems have an osseointegration surface. This surface has been improving over the past ten years and constitutes the main difference to ceramic implants at this point in time. In the case of ceramic implants it is not yet possible to imitate a comparable surface structure. It will remain exciting to see what industry will enable in the coming years. The BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic is observing the developments of ceramic implants with interest. The only secure way to stop periodontal diseases, periodontitis, periimplantitis and bone loss is a serious and defined analysis and diagnostics of the causes of each case and the commitment to consistent individual dental prophylaxis. The different bacteria in dental plaque and dental calculus are surrounding your teeth the whole day. They eat and destroy the bone and the periodont which fixes the teeth in your bone. The residue of bacteria causes inflammation, which in turn results in further bone loss. This is not reversible! However, a serious and consistent treatment at BERLIN KLINIK Parodontology and BERLIN KLINIK Prophylaxis can stop the process. The treatment starts with an intensive individual prophylaxis and goes on with deep cleanings and/or root planning at individual recall intervals. This can potentially avoid periodontal surgery. The interval varies on a case by case basis, but is usually every 3-6 months. In cases of a complicated periimplantitis maybe a much shorter Intervall needed.
Periimplantitis reasons - Periimplantitis treatment
A very serious and complicated to heal infection of the bone around an implant is called Periimplantitis like an Infection and following bone loss around teeth is called Periodontitis! Periimplantitis is a very serious and difficult to treat illness that can potentially lead to the loss of implants. There are many different factors that might lead to periimplantitis. In the following, the some important co-factors that can lead to damage or loss of bone around a dental implant are presented. Also important is Nicotine abuse. Dental and occlusal overstress may also be a reason: Missing and badly carried out functional diagnostic or obstacles in its implementation lead to unfavourable occlusal appearance, insufficient strength of implant construction, implant localisation as well as implant size and number (Be careful with: Mother Theresa implant provisions - If you have too less implants - overstress is programmed!). Type and appearance of the dentures as well as size and number of dental implants are of deciding importance in the deflection degree that the functional forces are leading over the structure into the implant surrounding bone. A solid static is needed not to loose the whole construction after. These influence therefore the pump effect to the decontaminated inside and the microfissure, the way the forces workare inserted into the sensitive periimplantary part. Another reason may be OP-Trauma in the way of how invasive and how fast the insertion is done and the way of insertion: "Minimally invasive" should always be a basic cornerstone of implantology. This means that a favourable relation between operation duration and instrument trauma have to be created in the respective hard tissue areas. This needs skills and experience! This does not mean transgingivial procedure, which is definitely not serious surgery for many reasons! Open the next link and read about oral Hygiene and implant design which may lead to bacterial poisoning.
Periimplantitis implant design and bacterial poisoning
Bacterial contamination is for sure mostly the reason for bone loss around an implant: Bacterial contamination happens particularly through the five to six standardised measured and tested parodontal marker germs and gram- microorganisms. Osseointegrated implants are regularly surrounded by a microflora that is made of predominantly gram+ bacteria. Infectious implants are more often surrounded by gram bacteria. The labside testing measurement is called PCR which means Polymerase Chain Recording. The most common reason for a bacterial destruction is a poor oral Hygience Level AND a constructive non-optimal implant design. The permanent presence and increase of bacteria and plaque around implants lead to a Periimplantitis. For save and therapy-leading diagnostic it needs several labside diagnostics: aMMP8 and PCR-Diagnostic, PZR monitoring and PZR-Recall with education of the patient are by now standard in implantology. The oral hygiene level can be regulated through targeted education and training. Bad hygiene is enabling gingivitis and therefore parodontitis and periimplantitis, which can lead to further spread of other irritations of the periimplantary soft tissue and ultimately loss of hard tissue. Bone loss invariably leads to tooth loss and implant loss. Implant systems and implant localisation, implant design as well as type and execution of dentures are important. The different one- and two-part (three-part) systems differ qualitatively in material, surface, radius, fit, size of the microfissure as well as in the insertion procedure itself. As mentioned before also strength of the pole, pole localisation and the number of poles play an important role. A technical key point is that besides a tube-in-tube design, the microfissure between abutment and inserted implant has to be as small and as tight as possible. About these aspect the Director of the international hospital BERLIN KLINIK did a lot of scientific reviews and invented a secure implant design: The bacteria safe dental Implant.
FAQ Dental Implants BERLIN KLINIK International Dental Clinic
What is an immediate implant and what is a late implant?
Answer: An immediate implant is inserted immediately after the removal of a tooth. A late implant is inserted only some time after tooth removal. The immediate implant is the best therapy to protect the bones. In the BERLIN KLINIK we insert immediate implants on a daily basis. Quickly and pain free.
Can I also get implants if I have periodontal disease and bone resorption?
Answer: Yes! It is seldom parodontosis, but more often a form of parodontitis. Detailed pre-operative examination determines why you have lost bone material. Then we address the reasons and insert implants. In the BERLIN KLINIK we are specialised on Parodontosis-therapy, parodontology and implantology.
Is a DVT or CT necessary prior to an implant?
Answer: A digital volume tomography (DVT) or a computer tomography (CT) is only necessary in very few exceptional cases. Most DVT images presented to us usually don't contribute to a quicker, safer or more successful operation. Moreover, the radiation exposure of a DVT or a CT has to be considered. DVT and CT are only reasonable if the image data contributes positively to operation security or operation result and offer new insights versus digital OPGs.
Why don't you have before-after images of implants on the BERLIN-KLINIK homepage?
Answer: According to law the comparative display of appearance before and after treatment outside expert groups must not be used for advertising purposes. Spirit and purpose of the law (§ 11 No. 5 b HWG Law on Advertising in the Health Care System) is to mitigate and prevent deception and irrelevant, suggestive manipulation of medical laymen.
Is it still possible to still see before-after pictures of a similar implant operation like it is planned for me?
Answer: Reliant on many years of scientific documentation of operations and therapies and the results of thousands of surgeries and treatments by our medical areas of expertise all BERLIN KLINIK doctors can in your personal consultation show you pictures that are exemplary of a potential result for you.
I am taking Marcumar / Falithrom, can I still get implants?
Answer: Yes! Dependent on therapeutic coagulation value and anatomic situation no change is needed. In the case of more comprehensive implant operations as a Marcumar patient you might need to change your INR/Quick-Value temporarily under the supervision of your GP or internist. Where necessary you might inject Heparin for a couple of days. The change is only necessary for the day of the operation and the day after. The BERLIN KLINIK implantology is prepared for patients at risk both outpatient or as inpatient.
"Solid teeth in an hour" ... what does that mean?
Answer: "Solid teeth in an hour" is not originally a dentist therapy message but an advertising slogan by the industry that serves to get patients into the surgeries to sell them their products, implants. (sustainable teeth usually don't happen within an hour) What is meant instead is an immediate implant or late implant with immediate dentures. Theoretically, this could be done in even less than 30 minutes. However, it should only be used in exceptional circumstances. The BERLIN KLINIK offers you upon request and with corresponding reports reputable immediate implants with or without immediate provision. The internationally experienced experts Dr. Dr. Stefan Schermer, PD Dr. Dr. Michael Stiller and Dr. Uwe Ryguschick carry out these operations.
Is it better to insert implants with a drilling jig, instead of cutting the gums?
Answer: No! Again this is not really an advancement of surgical technology but a selling trick by the industry. It is supposed to give the inexperienced dentist a means to still be able to insert implants. Generally, an implant directly through the skin into the bone is not technically clean surgery. The necessary cuts will not be visible and you won't notice them as uncomfortable. The drilling jigs are only helpful and necessary in very complex implant logical or OMS surgical procedures.
So you can't fit a dental crown onto a fresh implant?
Answer: No, you can! However, the necessary anatomical preconditions and clinical findings need to be given. It would be dubious to offer blanket immediate treatment. In any case it is safer to allow the implant to heal first. Bone only grows when left alone and if an implant is loaded on before it has properly grown in, it might fall out. The BERLIN KLINIK Dental hospital offers you reputable immediate implants and late implants with or without immediate provision.
I am missing 3 molar teeth. Is it possible to put a bridge on two implants?
Answer: Yes! However, take into consideration that three missing molar teeth normally have around 7-10 roots. To now only set two artificial roots, especially if the bone has already deteriorated, might lead to overload and loss of the dentures. It is more stable and safer to replace each tooth (1-4 roots) with an artificial root, an implant.
Is an implant painful?
Answer: An implant is not part of the painful treatments. Even the drilling in the bone does not hurt. Implantology is usually taken out pain free and under local anaesthesia at the BERLIN KLINIK. More comprehensive implants with bone construction are carried out under general anaesthesia either outpatient or in residential treatment. The pain after the operation is if only minimal. A normal painkiller is sufficient to be free of pain.
Are there risks with dental implants treatment?
Answer: Of course there are risks like with any medical procedure. It is particularly important to be mindful of the lower jaw nerve in the lower lateral tooth area. In the upper jaw lateral tooth area one should consider the maxillary sinus. However, with good planning and implementation the risks during the procedure tend to be very low. In any case we always tailor the risk analysis and procedural education in the BERLIN KLINIK to individual examination results of our patients.
I am a smoker. Can I still get implants?
Answer: There are studies showing that complications and implant loss during the healing time of an implant is 4 times more likely with smokers than with non-smokers. Still, implants can be successfully set also with smokers. How important smoking is for you given the health risks is up to you.
My dentist says I can't get implants because I have too little bone?
Answer: Even if your dentist has already rejected your wish for implants, the experienced implantology experts of the BERLIN KLINIK can often still set implants. Thanks to modern and safe bone replacement procedures, bone construction, alloplastic or bone transplant and experienced safe implant procedures.
Can a titan implant be rejected?
Answer: Titan is biocompatible and one of the most agreeable materials of bone surgery and dental/OMS surgery. A rejection does not happen. However, as in any surgical procedure, an infection during the healing phase is theoretically possible and can lead to implant loss.
How long is the healing phase?
Answer: If there is enough bone and an uncomplicated implant is possible, the healing phase is approximately 8-12 weeks. In the case of weak, fallen in bones or bone construction or maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedure (Sinus lift) it can take between 6-9 months. The BERLIN KLINIK is recommending a safe 'covered' healing under the gums.
What does Implant-Healing phase mean?
Answer: This is the phase that the bone needs to grow into the micro surface of the implants to anchor them securely. The procedure of this 'growing in' is called osseointegration. In the BERLIN KLINIK we recommend the safe growing in underneath the gums.
Are there different types of implants?
Answer: There are over 100 different Titan implant systems and several ceramics implant systems. They differ in their technical construction and in the way the crown is attached. Here one has to mind a minimal micro fissure. In general modern implants are rotation symmetric and dispose of a thread. The threads differ according to the intended use. All modern high value systems have an osseointegration surface. In the BERLIN KLINIK we use adequate implant systems dependent on individual examination results. All systems have bacteria impermeable micro fissures or special threads. We hold them in all customary sizes and special sizes to guarantee that we can use the optimal implant for you.
Are Ceramics dental Implants better than titan dental Implants?
Answer: Not yet. Ceramic implants are not yet as safe and diversely usable as two-part titan implants. The definite disadvantage is the not yet optimally rough surface. This, for the eye invisible, micro-surface is responsible for the osseointegration, the 'growing in' or 'healing in' of the implant. At the BERLIN KLINIK we routinely use titan implants, abutments made of Zirconoxide and crowns made of full ceramics. We only employ ceramics implants according to very strict indication.
What is an abutment?
Answer: This is the third building block of the implant tooth: The implant is the root underneath the gums; the abutment is the stumble that sticks out of the gums and onto which the crown will be glued or screwed. In the BERLIN KLINIK we use implants made of pure titan and abutments and crowns made of zirconoxide and full ceramics.
How are tooth implants cared for?
Answer: Tooth implants are cleaned with a toothbrush, inter-dental brushes and dental floss. Regular dental controls and professional cleanings are as necessary as with one's own teeth to ensure long-term dental health. The BERLIN KLINIK prophylaxis ensures your dental health and your implants with a recall-system and procedures specialised on dental hygiene.
I have diabetes and would like to have implants?
Answer: Important for the success of implants is the correct level of blood sugar. Moderate lifestyle, blood sugar control and regular post-operation check-ups are reducing the risk. In addition, we recommend an antibiotics-prophylaxis. The general risk of all surgical procedures is higher in the case of diabetics. Loss of implant is therefore also more likely because of sub-optimal wound healing. The healing in phase might therefore be slightly longer. The BERLIN KLINIK implantology is fully prepared for the treatment of patients at risk – both as out- or in-patients.
Will I be able to eat everything again with tooth implants?
Answer: Of course you will be able to eat everything again. The tooth implants are after a healing in phase as robust as your own teeth. However, during the healing in phase you should if possible not eat any food that forces you to chew.
I have osteoporosis. Can I get implants?
Answer: In general, yes! Osteoporosis is not a contraindication, but demands particular diligence and experience.
About history of dental Implantology
Already in Ancient times people tried to replace lost teeth. In these days it was most important to guarantee continued utilization of nutrition. Pre-condition for this goal was then as today the ability to chew. Today more and more aesthetic reasons for tooth implants are becoming important besides the traditional functional and medical factors for implants. The Etruscans and Egyptians already knew in 600 B.C. of a simple denture, albeit without roots. Tooth replacements and own teeth were tied together with a gold ribbon. The Mayas and Incas replaced teeth with precious metals that were immediately after extraction inserted into the empty cavitas. This was denture and accessory at the same time. The Arabs brought carved made of animal bone to Europe in the 8th century. These were inserted into the cavities and attached on the original teeth with a silver wire or horsehair. Full teeth including roots were made of materials such as gold, silver, platinum or porcelain for the first time in the 18th century. However, all these attempts could not replace a natural tooth as instabilities remained. The first dental implants that would really grow together with the jaw bone and that would offer the comfort that a patient can expect, were developed in the 1960ies. Also titanium proved to be a material that would not be rejected by the body and would not result in incompatibility reactions. Since then, industry with the help of research and science has driven the development of implants further. Today we can claim that implants are the medically best and most gentle replacement of missing teeth and are part of the most successful dental therapies. The prognostic for dental implants has improved consistently in the last 40 years. The success of treatments is higher than 95% and therefore forms part of the most successful therapies in dentistry. Today we can replace missing teeth through tooth implants made of pure titanium and ceramic. We offer you immediate implants, individualised implants and immediate provision of implants pain-free and uncomplicated – take advantage of the highest competence and qualifications of the BERLIN KLINIK Dental Hospital!